Monday 7 November 2011

VitaminChemical NamePropertiesDeficiency diseaseARetinolGeneral health giving vitamin, can be stored liverNight blindnessB1ThiamineFor Growth, carbohydrate metabolism, functioning of heartBeri-BeriB2RiboflavinFor Keeping skin and mouth healthyCheilosisB5NiacinFor healthy skin, sound mental healthPellagraB6PyridoxineProcessing of proteins and for nervous systemConvulsions in childB12CynacobalaminRequired for formation and maturation of RBCsPernicious anaemiaCAscorbic AcidFor keeping teeth , gums and joints healthy .Gets destroyed on heatingScurvyDCalciferolFor normal bones and teeth, can be stored in liverRicketsETocopherolFor normal reproduction , removes scars and wrinclesSterilityKPhylloquinoneFor normal clotting of bloodHaemophilia

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