Friday 11 November 2011

Geography Question & Answers

1. Which one of the following is a fresh water fish ? 
(A) Pomfret 
(B) Rohu 
(C) Sardine 
(D) Salmon 
Answer: Rohu

2. More than 90% of the rock forming minerals in the earth's crust consist of— 
(A) Silicates 
(B) Oxides 
(C) Carbonates 
(D) Sulphides and sulphates 
Answer: Silicates

3. Which of the following is the largest island ? 
(A) Sumatra 
(B) Madagascar 
(C) Honshu 
(D) Cuba 
Answer: Madagascar

4. When the Sun is nearest to the Earth, the Earth is said to be in— 
(A) Aphelion 
(B) Perihelion 
(C) Apogee 
(D) Perigee 
Answer: Perihelion

5. Where is the Doldrums Belt located ? 
(A) Near the Equator 
(B) Near the Poles 
(C) Near the Tropic of Cancer 
(D) Near the Tropic of Capricorn 
Answer: Near the Equator

6. The most important activity of the Tundra region is— 
(A) Fish farming 
(B) Cattle rearing 
(C) Hunting 
(D) Cropping 
Answer: Hunting

7. The most urbanised country in the world is— 
(A) Japan 
(B) Singapore 
(C) Germany 
(D) Israel 
Answer: Singapore

8. Which is the poorest country among the following ? 
(A) Sierra Leone 
(B) Uganda 
(C) Bangladesh 
(D) Somalia 
Answer: Somalia

9. Which is the land of morning calm ? 
(A) Finland 
(B) Korea 
(C) Japan 
(D) Thailand 
Answer: Korea

10. Richter scale is a/an …… scale to measure earth tremors. 
(A) Exponential 
(B) Logarithmic 
(C) Geometric 
(D) Physical 
Answer: Logarithmic

11. The correct sequence of the given planets in increasing order of their distance from the Sun is— 
(A) Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter 
(B) Venus, Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter 
(C) Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn 
(D) Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn 
Answer: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn

12. Water from an artesian well flows up automatically due to— 
(A) Heavy rainfall in region 
(B) Volcanic activity 
(C) Hydrostatic pressure 
(D) Geothermal energy 
Answer: Hydrostatic pressure

13. On which particular date does the sun remain at its shortest distance from the earth ? 
(A) 21st March 
(B) 22nd December 
(C) 3rd January 
(D) 4th July 
Answer: 3rd January

14. Which of the following is known as the morning star ? 
(A) Saturn 
(B) Jupiter 
(C) Mars 
(D) Venus 
Answer: Venus

15. The innermost layer of the earth is known as— 
(A) Lithosphere 
(B) Mesosphere 
(C) Asthenosphere 
(D) Barysphere 
Answer: Barysphere

16. Which one of the following is not a cold current ? 
(A) California 
(B) Oyashio 
(C) Kuroshio 
(D) Canaries 
Answer: Kuroshio

17. Which of the following absorbs part of the insolation and preserves earth's radiated heat ? 
(A) Oxygen 
(B) Nitrogen 
(C) Water vapour 
(D) Carbon dioxide 
Answer: Carbon dioxide

18. Arakan yoma is the extension of the Himalayas located in— 
(A) Baluchistan 
(B) Myanmar 
(C) Nepal 
(D) Kashmir 
Answer: Myanmar

19. Sun belt of U.S.A. is important for which one of the following industries ? 
(A) Cotton textile 
(B) Petro chemical 
(C) Hi-tech electronics 
(D) Food processing 
Answer: Food processing

20. Coffee is a— 
(A) Sub-tropical shrub 
(B) Warm temperate shrub 
(C) Tropical shrub 
(D) Cool temperate shrub 
Answer: Tropical shrub

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